Friday, May 05, 2006

The Da Vinci Code Cracks

A very good answer to the claims of the Da Vinci Code written by Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

What's a Worldview Anyway?

"Worldview" is fast becoming a commonly used term. But do you know what it really means? Dr. Del Tackett shares four important points to keep in mind when seeking to understand the meaning of "worldview."

Decoding 'The Da Vinci Code'

The Da Vinci Code challenges Jesus' identity and deeds, the content of the Bible, the origin of the church, the motives of early Christian leaders and the relevance of the church today — but it does so without any historical, logical or theological credibility.

Responding to Pro-gay Social Arguments (Part Three)

September 6, 2005

by Joe Dallas

Ten percent of the population is gay: fact or fiction?
The article concluded, not surprisingly, that the 10 percent statistic proposed by Kinsey was “dying under the weight of new studies.”

Responding to Pro-gay Social Arguments (Part Two)

September 2, 2005

by Joe Dallas

Is homosexuality really fixed and immutable as some argue?

“Anyone who says there is no hope (for change) is either ignorant or a liar. Every secular study of change has shown some success rate, and persons who testify to substantial healings by God are legion.”

Responding to Pro-gay Social Arguments (Part One)

September 1, 2005

by Joe Dallas

Social justice argument #1: 'Homosexuality is inborn.'

Social justice arguments are effective because they sound so good. They demand an end to homophobia and insensitivity; who wants to say they are against such goals? But just as the question “When did you stop beating your wife, Mr. Jones?” assumes (without proof) that Mr. Jones has been beating his wife, so the pro-gay social justice arguments assume (without proof) that gays are victims, and that the conservative church is largely responsible for their victimhood.

Pro-gay Revisionist Theology: An Overview

August 30, 2005

by Joe Dallas

Major denominations ordaining homosexuals, priests and clergy presiding over same-sex weddings, sanctuaries invaded by boisterous gay activists, debates over homosexuality ripping congregations apart, who would have guessed we’d ever reach such a point in church history?