Friday, January 15, 2010


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Bear in mind that this is the White House response to the AP's report on flaws in the job count, published back in October.  The report at that time revealed how the White House stimulus numbers were being inflated.  One such example follows:

A child care center in Florida said it saved 129 jobs with stimulus money. Instead, it gave pay raises to its existing employees.

You would think that being caught red-handed in a numbers shell game would influence team Obama to correct their mistakes.  Instead, they change the rules so that it is now permissible to fudge the numbers.  In other words, an original complaint that job counts were flawed because the administration was counting pay raises as jobs saved was corrected by - allowing pay raises to be counted as jobs saved?!

Says Tom Gavin, spokesman for the White House's Office of Management and Budget, "The new rules are intended to streamline the process."

Using the handy pocket version of the White House to English Dictionary, this phrase translates to, "We've just decided it would be easier to blatantly lie to the American people."

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Testing the tests.

Click on the link to read entire article.

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by Dr. Jeff Zweerink

Photo of Jeff Zweerink"[Science] is not perfect. It can be misused. It is only a tool. But it is by far the best tool we have, self-correcting, ongoing, applicable to everything. It has two rules. First: there are no sacred truths; all assumptions must be critically examined; arguments from authority are worthless. Second: whatever is inconsistent with the facts must be discarded or revised. ... The obvious is sometimes false; the unexpected is sometimes true." — Carl Sagan, Cosmos, pg 277.

One underlying principle that enables the scientific enterprise to discover the truth is the commitment that everything must be tested. This principle comes directly from the Bible (see 1 Thessalonians 5:21). Because every belief and explanation rests on assumptions, the confidence in those beliefs and explanations grows as tests confirm the assumptions. Tests that falsify assumptions provide avenues to provide even better explanations. Recent exploration of meteorites demonstrates how this process works in practice.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength

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A Christianity that does not teach the Bible points the way nowhere but to New Age groping, ambiguity and relativism. However, a Christianity that only teaches the Bible is blind to all the other knowledge God wants us to discover and value. 16
15 Ralph Winter, “Editorial Comment” in Mission Frontiers Magazine (March-April, 2008), 4.

Mind and heart not mind vs. heart

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What your mind rejects, your life will eventually reject also, however close it may be to your heart.

God has no grandchildren

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In an age in which infidelity abounds, do we observe them [parents] carefully instructing their children in the principles of faith which they profess? Or do they furnish their children with arguments for the defense of that faith? ... When religion is handed down among us by heredity succession, it is not surprising to find youth of sense and spirit beginning to question the truth of the system in which they were brought up. And it is not surprising to see them abandon a position which they are unable to defend. 10
10 Quoted by J.P. Moreland in Love Your God With All Your Mind, 134-135.
William Wilberforce in his book Real Christianity.

Help North Korean Refugees

If you are unable to donate, please forward this invitation on to others to give them the opportunity. You may also consider blogging this information.

Travis Coleman

LFNKR is licensed by the Japanese government
as an official non-profit organization.

Every $5 You Donate*
will purchase 10 kilograms (22 pounds) of rice and enable one refugee to eat for another three weeks

Every $20 You Donate...
will provide an emergency medical kit for a family of North Korean refugees.

And Every $100 You Donate...
will buy five sets of warm clothing to keep five NK refugees warm through China's bitterly cold winter months.

Our NGO has developed its own local networks, through which we distribute food and clothing to North Korean refugees. We are also working for international recognition of their rights as refugees.

To make a donation, simply click on the appropriate button and fill in the information requested. You will receive an email receipt verifying your donation within a few minutes.

*  Since LFNKR is a legally authorized non-profit organization in Japan, your donation may qualify as a tax deductible expense under your country's tax laws (be sure to consult your own tax advisor for more specific information).

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