Bear in mind that this is the White House response to the AP's report on flaws in the job count, published back in October. The report at that time revealed how the White House stimulus numbers were being inflated. One such example follows:
A child care center in Florida said it saved 129 jobs with stimulus money. Instead, it gave pay raises to its existing employees.
You would think that being caught red-handed in a numbers shell game would influence team Obama to correct their mistakes. Instead, they change the rules so that it is now permissible to fudge the numbers. In other words, an original complaint that job counts were flawed because the administration was counting pay raises as jobs saved was corrected by - allowing pay raises to be counted as jobs saved?!
Says Tom Gavin, spokesman for the White House's Office of Management and Budget, "The new rules are intended to streamline the process."
Using the handy pocket version of the White House to English Dictionary, this phrase translates to, "We've just decided it would be easier to blatantly lie to the American people."
posted by Travis at
1/15/2010 10:13:00 AM