Friday, April 22, 2005

Justice Sunday

A Chance to Be Heard

"Senators Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Reid (D-Nev.), among others, want to know what right people of faith have to speak out on this area.

My response is, what good reason could there be for people of faith not to get involved in public issues? Augustine said, “We are to be the best of citizens,” because we do out of love for God what others do only because they are required to. That includes speaking out on issues of importance in the public square."

Chuck Colson

Diagnosing Evil

this is an audio post - click to play
Diagnosing Evil
Jill Carattini

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Life, Death, and Judicial Tyranny

"Thomas Jefferson warned repeatedly about the emergence of an out–of-control judiciary that would destroy the Constitution and, along with it, America's fundamental freedoms. He first became alarmed when, in 1803, the U. S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision called Marbury v. Madison. It allowed the Justices to rule on the constitutionality of every legal issue, both inside and outside the government, giving themselves unrivaled imperial power. The concept of "checks and balances" that was intended to keep one branch from eclipsing the other two was no longer in force—at least not with regard to the judiciary. Thereafter, the President, the Congress, and the will of millions of American people have been subservient to the rulings of five imperious justices, along with numerous lower court judges, who continue to issue their decrees beyond the reach of any authority."

Dr. James Dobson

Killing was a way of life.

"Steve translated as they told us that always killing each other is the way they used to live. If their story would help the foreigners in the far land to not kill each other then they see it well that we tell their story. That moment gave us pause as we realized that the most violent society ever documented wanted to reach our society so we would not be so violent."

Killing was a way of life.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Blue is True. What the Color of Environmentalism Should Be.

Published by National Review, March 10, 2003

Environmental Successes

A Breakpoint Commentary by Chuck Colson

"Novak sites one simple example: replacing the horse with the car. Before the car, city streets were covered in tons of manure—twelve thousand pounds a year from every one of the 3.4 million horses on America’s urban streets. All that waste product led to toxic results in congested urban areas. On hot, dry summer days, when horse hooves and wagon wheels pounded the manure into dust, the dust blew into the air, fell everywhere, and was breathed and ingested by humans. Now, that’s pollution."

Schumer Calls a Conservative 'Un-American'

In a letter to supporters, (Tony Perkins) wrote, "For years activist courts, aided by liberal interest groups like the ACLU, have been quietly working under the veil of the judiciary, like thieves in the night, to rob us of our Christian heritage and our religious freedoms."

Many nominees "are being blocked because they are people of faith and moral conviction," he wrote. If the filibuster is not stopped, "the best we can hope for are likely to be mediocre judges who meet the approval of Ted Kennedy, Charles Schumer, and Hillary Rodham Clinton."