"Today is a tragic day for the Schindler family—and, indeed, for the entire human family. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Schindlers, who have been made to watch their beloved daughter and sister waste away for the last two weeks—under not only the approval of the courts, but under their direct order.
"Every Florida and federal judge who failed to act to spare this precious woman from the torment she was forced to endure is guilty not only of judicial malfeasance—but of the cold-blooded, cold-hearted extermination of an innocent human life. Terri Schiavo has been executed, under the guise of law and 'mercy,' for being guilty of nothing more than the inability to speak for herself.
"I grieve for the Schindlers today, and I fear for the future of our nation."—Focus on the Family Chairman Dr. James Dobson
"Mrs. Schiavo's death is a moral poverty and a legal tragedy. This loss happened because our legal system did not protect the people who need protection most, and that will change. The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior, but not today. Today we grieve, we pray, and we hope to God this fate never befalls another. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Schindlers and with Terri Schiavo's friends in this time of deep sorrow."
—House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas