Friday, May 06, 2005

North Korea vs. South Korea at night

Worse Than 1984
North Korea, slave state.
By Christopher Hitchens
Posted Monday, May 2, 2005, at 10:48 AM PT

A recent nighttime photograph of the Korean peninsula from outer space shows something that no "free-world" propaganda could invent: a blaze of electric light all over the southern half, stopping exactly at the demilitarized zone and becoming an area of darkness in the north.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

The Angry Tribe of Oppinionated Professors

by by J. Budziszewski
"My Modern European teacher, Peccata Mundi, is a woman with a mission. Did you know that Christianity is responsible for all of the evils of the world? No? Well, that's what she says. Oppression of women? We did it. Slavery? Our fault. The Holocaust? We did that too, according to her. Stalin's purges? Before becoming a Communist, Stalin was a seminary student, so again we're to blame. Terrorism? We're just getting what we deserve."