Saturday, March 19, 2005

Aren't Philosophy, Science and Reason replacements for real Faith?

God, if you're real, just strike me dead!!

That's just your perspective. Isn't truth relative?

Is it really ok for me to talk to people about God?

Isn't the Bible just a myth?

Do the Facts Matter?
By Gregory Koukl
It is not important for the truthfulness of Christianity for the Bible to be without error.

How does Christianity compare to other World Religions?

When choosing ice cream, you choose what you like. When choosing medicine, you have to choose what heals.

What about all the evil in the world?

"Evil is not a created thing, but spoiled goodness made possible by the free moral agency of rational creatures. Evil is not something present, but something missing, a privation."

What is Christianity?

May 22, 2004

Kara and I. Wow!! What a babe!! She's my sweetie. Posted by Hello

Monday, March 14, 2005

Kara and I singing about an Elephant's Behind. Yes, it's supposed to be funny.

this is an audio post - click to play

A welcome message from Travis

this is an audio post - click to play

Entry 101

Well, here we go. My first delve into the Blogging universe. What adventures await us? What strange new worlds and new civilizations will we boldly. . . ok that's getting a little too melodromatic. But it's my blog and I can blah blah blog whatever I want. Direct from me to the masses, now permission frome an editorr orr Spel checkar. So let's begin.

Oh, by the way, the whole Scorpio born in the year of the tiger thing is an automatic feature of this blog provider. Not really into the whole stars-determine-your-destiny thing. FYI.