Friday, March 31, 2006

Fathomable Zealotry

Islam and the Clash of Civilizations
A Breakpoint Commentary
By Charles Colson

Listen: Windows Media Real Media MP3

As Cohen wrote, the threat to Rahman's life doesn't come from a "few crazed governments," a "rogue government," or even "a solitary crazy prosecutor." It comes from "an entire society. It is not a single judge who would condemn [Rahman] but a culture."

Click here to read entire article.


Blogger Unknown said...

Travis! My old friend! It's me, Gina used-to-be-Frost, your Advanced English class and mailbox-checking buddy from freshman year! Your free couch-bed in OKC provider! Your friend with the same name as your sister, but spelled different! I've been trying to track you down for 4 1/2 years! Seriously, when I got engaged, I looked for your address on every Internet resource I could find. (But I'm not a techie, so I probably didn't exhaust all the available options.) I kept looking periodically since then, but no luck.

You're never going to guess how I ended up finding you. I was reading my friend's blog, and I clicked on the link from one of the comments, which led me to one of the preachers that Ty really appreciates back in Oregon. He had Accappella listed as one of his favorite music interests, and I thought, "I bet if I look at the global list or whatever they call it, I'll know someone on the list of people who listed Accappella as their favorite music." And you were on the first page! YAY! I mean, I suppose there could be another Christian Apologist named Travis who loves Accappella, Amy Grant, C.S. Lewis, and mountain biking, but I'm hoping you're the one I know and love.

I hope you read this and come find my on my blog (it's as frivolous a blog as you could ever hope to find, but that shouldn't be a big shock). I want to hear how you're doing and all that. I've been doing very well. I married a great guy about 3 1/2 years ago and moved to Boise since he's in the Air Force stationed at Mountain Home. I have a lame job, but a happy life. Ty's been living with us while he writes his Thesis, which is great--he's free entertainment.

I don't want to take up too much space on your blog with a totally unrelatec comment, so feel free to delete it once you've read it. Come say hello to me when you get a chance.

Thursday, April 06, 2006 11:33:00 AM  

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