Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Adult Stem Cells: No Jaundiced View

From Britain, we learn that doctors treating liver patients using adult stem cells from the patients' own bone marrow have scored some stunning successes. Dr. Nagy Habib, a surgeon at London's Imperial College, took adult stem cells from his patients' own blood and re-inserted the cells into the patients' livers. Within two months, three of the five patients showed considerable improvement in liver function, while the remaining two suffered no worsening of their conditions. Some 65 different diseases have already been successfully treated with adult stem cells. So why does the medical and research establishment in this country continue to ignore, to dismiss, or to view such progress with a jaundiced eye?

Dr. Robert P. George, a member of the President's Council on Bioethics, may have hit on the reason why in an important article in the October 3rd issue of The Weekly Standard. Dr. George wrote in "Fetal Attraction" that the long-term goal of many of the unethical experimenters may be "to create an industry in harvesting late embryonic and fetal body parts for use in regenerative medicine and organ transplantation." They don't openly call for scavenging unborn children for their body parts. This is not the way they think they can win the public relations struggle in the court of public opinion. Instead, they dismiss adult stem cell advances and tout the promised benefits of stem cells taken from embryonic humans inching along the road to perdition.


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